Winter Camp Glen Rock

  • Chess
354 Rock Rd, Glen Rock, NJ 07452, USA
Dec 26 2023
Dec 29 2023


Tuesday (12/26/2023-12/26/2023) Registration closed

Tuesday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 9am-3pm
Tuesday 9 am-11:30 am
Tuesday 1 pm - 3 pm
Tuesday 1 pm - 5 pm
  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 

Additional services and fees

Early Drop Off $15.00
Late Pick op $15.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 10/02/2023 and ends on 12/24/2023


Participants must currently be in grades 1 to 10.

Wednesday (12/27/2023-12/27/2023) Registration closed

Wednesday 9am-5pm
Wednesday 9am-3pm
Wednesday 9am-11:30 am
Wednesday 1pm-3pm
Wednesday 1pm-5pm
  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Thu 
  • Fri 
  • Sat 

Additional services and fees

Early drop off $15.00
Late pick up $15.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 10/09/2023 and ends on 12/26/2023


Participants must currently be in grades 1 to 10.

Thursday (12/28/2023-12/28/2023) Registration closed

Thursday 9am-5pm
Thursday 9am-3pm
Thursday 9am-11:30 am
Thursday 1 pm - 3 pm
Thursday 1 pm-5pm
  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Fri 
  • Sat 

Additional services and fees

Early drop off $15.00
Late pick Up $15.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 10/09/2023 and ends on 12/27/2023


Participants must currently be in grades 1 to 10.

Friday (12/29/2023-12/29/2023) Registration closed

Friday 9am-5pm
Friday 9am-3pm
Friday 9am-11:30am
Friday 1pm-3pm
Friday 1pm-5pm
  • Sun 
  • Mon 
  • Tue 
  • Wed 
  • Thu 
  • Fri9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Sat 

Additional services and fees

Early Drop-off $15.00
Late Pick Up $15.00

Registration period

Registration for this schedule starts on 10/09/2023 and ends on 12/28/2023


Participants must currently be in grades 1 to 10.

In-person location

354 Rock Rd, Glen Rock, NJ 07452, USA


Join us for our week long Scholastic Winter Day Camp at Glen Rock, NJ!

Our day starts at 9:00, where campers are taken to the local park for a warm-up.

Campers then return to the school at 9:30, where they participate in two 50 minute chess lessons.

Campers are then taken back to the park at 11:30, where they play dodgeball, soccer, and other sports!

Campers then return to the school at 12:30, where they eat lunch packed from home.

Campers then participate in tournaments at 1:00 against other campers at their chess level.

Campers who registered for the full day program will then participate in extracurricular activities, such as math, art, and music.

Why Register?

Our coaches and camp directors have experience working with children of all ages!

In addition to improving their chess level, campers will be able to enjoy engaging with other kids their age via sports, chess, and other activities!

Registration closed.