Summer Semester Chess Online

  • Chess
Jun 05 2023
Aug 24 2023
1 hour/week (based on 11 weeks)
1.5 hour/week (based on 11 weeks)
2 hour/week (based on 11 weeks)
3 hours/week (based on 11 weeks)
  1. Sun 
  2. Mon4:30 - 9:00 pm
  3. Tue4:30 - 9:00 pm
  4. Wed4:30 - 9:00 pm
  5. Thu4:30 - 9:00 pm
  6. Fri 
  7. Sat 



The virtual classes offer a lot of new perks:

-Easy access for both kids and parents (No need to drive to the site, everything is already prepared far in advance!)

-More tools to moderate our classes (Muting functions, breakout rooms, sharing tools etc.)

-Many online resources we can use for teaching! (Video lectures, tactics trainers, club tournaments etc.)

Overall, virtual classes allow students to participate from the comfort of their own homes while maintaining the benefits we had from onsite classes. Students are still able to socialize while enjoying chess, yet are able to have a more focused, productive session free of unnecessary noise.

Our Semester will run for 11 weeks from June 5 through August 24. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday with the following structure:

Monday (Beginners/Advanced Beginners/Intermediate): 4:30PM-5:30PM, 5:45PM-6:45PM & 7:00PM-8:00PM

Monday (Advanced/Rated): 5:30PM-7:00PM & 7:05PM-8:35PM

Tuesday (Beginners/Advanced Beginners/Intermediate): 4:30PM-5:30PM, 5:45PM-6:45PM & 7:00PM-8:00PM

Tuesday (Advanced/Rated): 5:30PM-7:00PM & 7:05PM-8:35PM

Wednesday (Beginners/Advanced Beginners/Intermediate): 4:30PM-5:30PM, 5:45PM-6:45PM & 7:00PM-8:00PM

Thursday (Beginners/Advanced Beginners/Intermediate): 4:30PM-5:30PM, 5:45PM-6:45PM & 7:00PM-8:00PM

Thursday (Advanced/Rated): 5:30PM-7:00PM & 7:05PM-8:35PM  

Class dates

06/05/2023, 06/06/2023, 06/07/2023, 06/08/2023, 06/12/2023, 06/13/2023, 06/14/2023, 06/15/2023, 06/19/2023, 06/20/2023, 06/21/2023, 06/22/2023, 06/26/2023, 06/27/2023, 06/28/2023, 06/29/2023, 07/03/2023, 07/04/2023, 07/05/2023, 07/06/2023, 07/10/2023, 07/11/2023, 07/12/2023, 07/13/2023, 07/17/2023, 07/18/2023, 07/19/2023, 07/20/2023, 07/24/2023, 07/25/2023, 07/26/2023, 07/27/2023, 07/31/2023, 08/01/2023, 08/02/2023, 08/03/2023, 08/07/2023, 08/08/2023, 08/09/2023, 08/10/2023, 08/14/2023, 08/15/2023, 08/16/2023, 08/17/2023, 08/21/2023, 08/22/2023, 08/23/2023, 08/24/2023

Registration period

Registration starts on 05/04/2023 and ends on 08/15/2023.

Online location


Registration closed.